Copy of Join Sam's Painting and Print of the Month Club - it's Free to Join!

Sign up for My Painting and Print of the Month Club (It's free to join! It's fun, inspiring and creative.)

2 Ways to Sign Up:

1.  TEXT ME! 

Every month I will text you when a new painting and message is ready to check out. 


SamGlennArt to:



Sign Up by Email: 

* indicates required

[How It Works]

Every month, I will paint a new painting with a positive message to go with the painting.

PRINT of it the MONTH Option: 
* If you like my artwork, you can order a limited edition print.

BONUS #1: 
The first 25 people to purchase the print of the month are entered to win the original painting.


The first 25 people to purchase the print of the month will receive a bonus additional print (different painting). 
(FYI:  The limited edition prints go fast!)